Battle Of Depression ( A never ending loop)

That feeling when you wake up in the morning and in your head your on earth your facing reality. Once you put on those headphones , you forget you everything that's been bothering you . Things that crush you and things that hurt it all goes away . I'm looking to the future and hoping for better days then now . There isn't any days ahead good . There's no one here to help me , to turn to or even cry to. Do i cry for pain No do i cry for attention, No. I cry for ANGRY i feel like there's a monster growing inside of me wanting to scream out and tear people apart . Not easy when his cries slip out . When his cries slip out they are salty tears that makes everything messy and makes it seem like i'm weak and hopeless. Weak NO HOPELESS NO , I'M JUST SO ANGRY . People like me obey the laws we aren't able to express our true feelings because we have a future ahead of us and want to over come this Angry Beast within us . It's not a easy battle nor will it ever be , battles are suppose to be hard .....We got keep the monster controlled for the time being , don't release hold on to it . Tight grip and all .......
