Dear Nomie

Hello girl It feels like it's been forever . How are you? How's School ? Are you working yet ?
I asked all these questions because it's been awhile since i heard from you . Me on the other had as you know I lost my grandmother two months ago it doesn't feel the same i go through out my days missing her but I'm pushing through I know she wouldn't want me to stop nor drop out . I don't plan on too, any way i just got done finished my English final . Now comes my math final and i'm more then confident that i will pass it . I'm happy that it's computerized makes my anxiety of finding out what i got go down. My grandmother passed two months ago and its been really hard for me to move on . I never thought she would be gone but she lived a long beautiful life . Instead of dropping out I push  myself to complete the rest of the semester. Hasn't been the easy thing in the world from time to time I find myself drinking, sleeping and crying an endless loop of my depression. Now in December i feel numb and i cant cry but in my heart i still mourn her . I have my boyfriend but i still feel like his comfort isn't enough , he's been going through alot him self and i honestly don't know who to go to anymore . I feel like my heart and my soul is slowly cracking and i don't know what to do . All the friends i ever cared for are gone , i feel very much alone and writing you is my only escape from this world . Hope to speak from you soon .

