Yeah , Yeah we all know mother's day is tomorrow . Most people who mother's hasn't pasted away or has a mother are shopping for their mother. Some people go all out for thee mother's an me as a person I respect because the day I be come a mother will be the proudest moment of my life . Mother's are suppose to support love and care for there children right? NOT ALL There's a lot of horrible mother's who abandon their kids and treat them like crap. They destroy them emotionally and physically ( TELLING IT FROM EXPERIENCE ) on the up side it is nice to have a mother to cry to and to ask for advice . I love my mom but honestly It's a regular day for me same for father's day ( MY FATHER ISN'T REALLY A FATHER) I will talk about father's day when i comes around. Anyway treat mother's day shouldn't be the only day you show your mom love and if you do then your pathetic . For all those I sorry you have to be reminded of a horrible memory treat is as a regular day make the best of it.
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